News & Blog: Field Service Management for QuickBooks

/News & Blog: Field Service Management for QuickBooks/
1 01, 2020

Credit card processing in the field

By | 2024-07-26T11:12:37-07:00 January 1st, 2020|Getting Started, Mobile, User Tips|1 Comment

Use the Intuit Field Service Management mobile app to update the work order and document work done, capture equipment serviced, photos, and customer signature. If desired, prepare your field invoice in the field using the IFSM mobile app.

At this point you can either take payment inside the IFSM mobile app with QuickBooks Payments, or outside of the mobile app. The field tech will click “Take Payment” on the mobile app and enter the credit card information. Once payment is approved, the IFSM invoice will be Approved to sync into QuickBooks, and will appear in QuickBooks with the “Paid” stamp and reconciled with your bank.

  1. Activate QuickBooks Payments:
  2. Connect IFSM to your QuickBooks Payments:
  3. Settings > Financial > QuickBooks Payments
  4. Click “Connect to QuickBooks”

To take the payment outside of IFSM mobile app, either sync the invoice into QuickBooks as “Account Receivable” and send the invoice to your customer from QB (including the payment link).

Lastly, you can also take payment in the field with a non-Intuit system. Make note of the invoice total and switch over to their mobile payment app (Go Payment, Square, etc.) to process the payment. The IFSM invoice will sync into QuickBooks as an open invoice. Use the “apply credits” function in QuickBooks to apply the non-Intuit payment to the invoice.

9 01, 2019

Tracking inventory usage by your field service team

By | 2019-01-09T14:35:25-08:00 January 9th, 2019|Getting Started, User Tips|0 Comments

Tracking inventory usage by your field service team is easy with Intuit Field Service Management, powered by Corrigo!  “IFSM helps your field service business get more work done, get paid faster, and streamline payroll processing.  When looking at increasing productivity and improving cash flow, the “IFSM” enables your service technicians to document their work in several ways that help you track and manage inventory for your business inside QuickBooks.

How to track field service technician inventory

Summary: QuickBooks tracks how much inventory you have.  All versions of QuickBooks do this.  Further, QB Enterprise Platinum tracks inventory on each technician’s truck – as well as your warehouse.

When you approve an IFSM invoice and that invoice syncs into QB…the synchronization process updates the inventory levels inside QuickBooks , regardless of version.  If you have QB Platinum we also deduct inventory from the appropriate truck.

Voice To Text Work Done Description

First, your field service technicians can dictate the description of work done into the “work done description”.  This is basically the same information the tech would have hand-written onto the paperwork if he was not accessing IFSM via the mobile app.

Activating the microphone, the tech can say “Replaced two twenty by twenty-five Honeywell air filters”, which will then appear on the documented work order.  We demonstrate this voice-to-text feature in our videos.

Creating a Mobile Invoice

Second, your field service technicians can prepare a mobile invoice inside the IFSM app, specifically selecting parts and services from a list.  When creating the invoice your field service team is working from a synchronized copy of the “Item List” in QuickBooks.  Any inventory parts, non-inventory parts, group items, and services in QB are synchronized with IFSM so your office workers and your field technicians can prepare accurate invoices.

For example, when your field technician uses the mobile invoice area on the IFSM app, he can search for “air filter” and select the appropriate air filter from the search results, i.e., “20 x 25 Honeywell” air filter”.  The tech is simply documenting the item and modifies the quantity.


Which parts need to be re-stocked?

Field service companies frequently find themselves asking “do I need to re-stock inventory?”  You can answer this question two ways:

  1. Run the Price List Items Usage Report in IFSM to see which parts have been used (and by whom) for a desired date range. Based upon this information you can order replacement parts.
  2. Run an Inventory report in QuickBooks. All versions of QuickBooks allow you to specify which parts are inventory (versus non-inventory), as well as the total number on hand.  If your business is using QB Enterprise Platinum Edition you can also specify inventory locations for your warehouse and each of your trucks.



Most of our IFSM customers prefer #2, and manage inventory inside QuickBooks.  Inside your QuickBooks you can look at your reports, as well as the Products and Services screen, to see your inventory levels.  Here you can see several inventory parts with “filter” in the description, with their remaining quantity, re-order points, and more.


Truck-level Inventory

Often an HVAC company will want to know who is running low on “20 x 25 x 1 Honeywell” air filters.  By looking at the standard QB inventory reports you can see how many items you have for each inventory item.

If you want to see exactly where each inventory item is located you’ll need QuickBooks Enterprise Platinum Edition to configure and track inventory in multiple locations. Formerly called Advanced Inventory, QuickBooks Enterprise Platinum Edition allows you to map each service technician truck to a unique inventory location inside QuickBooks.


With Platinum Edition, when you receive new inventory you use QuickBooks to add it to the warehouse.  As you provide inventory to your service techs you use QuickBooks to track the transfer from warehouse to Chuck’s Truck.  When the invoice syncs from IFSM into QuickBooks, Chuck’s Truck will decrement inventory accordingly based upon the inventory items on his invoices.

Watch how the IFSM updates the inventory inside QBES Platinum Edition during the synchronization process.


12 09, 2017

Driving Directions on the IFSM mobile app

By | 2017-09-12T09:36:36-07:00 September 12th, 2017|Android, Getting Started, iPhone, Mobile, User Tips, Work Order Wednesday|0 Comments

This month’s Digital Dispatch article covers how your techs can use the Intuit Field Service Management mobile app to access driving directions from their current location to the service address, take a customer signature in the field, and more.

Intuit Field Service Management (IFSM) helps you get more work done through smart scheduling of the right technician for the job, real-time dispatching, and IFSM helps your techs make smart decisions out in the field regarding servicing or replacing customer equipment, and more!

This article is part of Corrigo’s monthly tips for users of Intuit Field Service Management! Tips are posted on our News & Blog link here at

Driving Directions

• Inside the mobile application, click on “Service Address”
• The IFSM mobile app launches the default mapping app
• The mapping app shows your current location and how to get to the service address

driving directions

Click to view video showing driving directions on the IFSM mobile app


Questions about mobile alerts? Call our IFSM Support team @ 800-517-2871

If you have questions about how to use Intuit Field Service management, use the Search on this website via the magnifying glass on the upper right of your screen. Articles, videos, and pages related to your search term will appear as green links in the search result. Click on the green link to see the result in full-screen view. You can also call our Corrigo Support team Monday – Friday, 8AM ET to 8PM ET at 800-517-2871.

Corrigo has partnered with local experts providing value-added services for both QuickBooks and Intuit Field Service Management. Our local experts can provide consultative initial setup, configuration for your office and training for your office and your field techs. Our local experts are listed here:

15 06, 2017

QuickBooks data integration with Intuit Field Service Management

By | 2022-05-20T07:58:12-07:00 June 15th, 2017|Getting Started, User Tips, Work Order Wednesday|0 Comments

Let’s talk about integration between IFSM and QuickBooks, and beyond!

This article describes built-in integration via the Corrigo Integration Client, as well as how to import information that is not part of our built-in integration.  Lastly, this article touches upon reporting and data exporting out of IFSM.

When you purchase your Intuit Field Service Management (“IFSM”) subscription, Corrigo provides you with a new database.  Next you’ll log in, access the Settings area, and configure the system (your company logo, hours of operations, technician skills, teams, services and categories, etc.).  Then you activate the integration between IFSM and your QuickBooks via our Corrigo Integration Client (IFSM integrates with supported  U.S. versions of QuickBooks Online, and supported U.S. versions of QuickBooks Desktop Pro, Premier, or Enterprise).

What data integrates between IFSM and QB?

  1. Active customer list in QB will sync to IFSM.
  2. Active item list in QB will sync to IFSM.
  3. As you make new customers or invoices or time card records in IFSM, these will sync into QB. Invoices syncing from IFSM into QB containing inventory items will decrement those inventory items accordingly inside your QB.
  4. Sales orders and invoices you create inside QB will never appear in IFSM. If you want a work order or invoice to appear in IFSM you must make it in IFSM and sync the invoice to QB if you want the invoice to appear in both databases.

Importing Data or Work Order history into Intuit Field Service Management

Sometimes new IFSM customers were using a competing work order software package prior to their IFSM and want only some of the prior work order history and customer equipment list to appear inside IFSM. This is typically accomplished by enabling and creating back dated work orders.  There is no fee to make back dated work orders (only your own time and effort).

Sometimes new IFSM customers were using a competing work order software package prior to their IFSM and they want all of this work order history, as well as customer equipment list and attributes, to appear inside IFSM so all of the information is in one place. This is possible by hiring a professional services firm to push data into IFSM.

Sometimes new IFSM customers were using invoices in QB as “work orders” prior to their IFSM and they want these invoices in QB to somehow appear inside IFSM as work orders.  This is possible by hiring a professional services firm to push data into IFSM.

Exporting data out of Intuit Field Service Management

Sometimes IFSM customers wish to export data from IFSM.   This can usually be accomplished by creating a report inside IFSM.  Once you run your report you can save the output in the desired file format (XLS, CSV, XML, PDF…).

If you require the data in a very specific data format (often called an EDI), this is possible by hiring a professional services firm to export data from IFSM.