
22 10, 2015

Update Work Order Numbering

By | 2017-08-11T16:13:56-07:00 October 22nd, 2015|Getting Started, User Tips|0 Comments

When you first subscribe to Intuit Field Service Management you will likely review our First Time Setup video.  While not covered in the video, we want to point out you can configure your work orders in IFSM to start at a number other than “001”.  You can also configure how many digits the work order numbers will have before they roll over to “000”.  You can also configure a unique prefix for work orders within each work zone.

To update the Work Order Numbering:

  1. Go to Settings/Work Zones and click Edit on the right side
  2. Scroll down to option 5, Work Order Numbering
  3. Choose Custom and click Change
  4. Input the desired starting number and choose the desired number of digits from the drop-down menu. Work Order Numbering detail


7 11, 2012

Local Experts for deploying QuickBooks with Intuit Field Service Management

By | 2015-05-07T12:52:58-07:00 November 7th, 2012|Getting Started, User Tips|3 Comments

Here are the most-experienced Intuit Premier Resellers and local experts for Intuit Field Service Management.

These experts have excellent knowledge of both QuickBooks and Intuit Field Service Management, and are ready to help your business get the most from your Field Service Management subscription.

Find Local Experts

4 11, 2012

Getting started resources roundup!

By | 2017-08-11T16:14:00-07:00 November 4th, 2012|Getting Started, User Tips|0 Comments


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