
3 03, 2017

Reporting in Intuit Field Service Management

By | 2017-08-11T16:13:56-07:00 March 3rd, 2017|Getting Started, User Tips, Work Order Wednesday|0 Comments

Using Reports in Intuit Field Service Management

This article is part of Corrigo’s monthly tips for users of Intuit Field Service Management!  Tips are posted on our News & Blog link here at

This month’s topic:  Reporting in Intuit Field Service Management.  Reports are especially valuable to help your business understand key performance metrics, satisfaction indicators, and more!

Check out this video to learn more about reports in Intuit Field Service Management:

This short tutorial covers the following topics:

  • Dashboard report
  • List style “revenue by technician” report
  • Matrix style “revenue by technician” report

Additional reports are available for customers with the Service Agreement and/or Time Card module

If you have questions about how to use Intuit Field Service management, try doing a Search on this website via the magnifying glass on the upper right of your screen. Articles, videos, and pages related to your search term will appear as green links in the search result. Click on the green link to see the result in full-screen view. You can also call our Corrigo Support team Monday – Friday, 8AM ET to 8PM ET at 800-517-2871.

Corrigo has partnered with local experts providing value-added services for both QuickBooks and Intuit Field Service Management.  Our local experts can provide consultative initial setup, configuration for your office and training for your office and your field techs.  Our local experts are listed here:

4 11, 2012

Getting started resources roundup!

By | 2017-08-11T16:14:00-07:00 November 4th, 2012|Getting Started, User Tips|0 Comments


If you’re thinking about purchasing Intuit Field Service Management and want to know what it’s all about, Take a Tour and check out the product.

If you’ve just purchased Intuit Field Service Management and are ready to start setting it up, visit our section for First Time Users.

If you’re an Intuit Field Service Management user looking for best practices, tips, and answers to more advanced questions, check out Ongoing Success and the Support FAQs. You can also search the User Tips section on this blog.