How to configure Corrigo integration and sync on multiple computers
The IFSM Integration Client is typically installed on only one computer in the office. If the QuickBooks company file is installed on a server, the IFSM Integration Client is, nevertheless, installed typically on a desktop PC or laptop (not onto the server itself) and accesses the QB Company file that is located on the server.
Installing the Corrigo integration on multiple computers
In the event your QuickBooks is in a network shared environment or you want to run the IFSM sync from multiple computers, please refer to page 60 of the QuickBooks Integration Client User Guide or contact IFSM Technical Support prior to making these changes via support (at) corrigo dot com.
Re-installing the Corrigo integration on a new PC
If you want to move the IFSM Sync to a different computer, or if you wish change the file path referenced by the IFSM Sync, please send an email to IFSM Technical Support before making these changes.