
15 05, 2012

Text Alerts on mobile devices

By | 2017-08-11T16:14:00-07:00 May 15th, 2012|Mobile|0 Comments

When your field technician logs into the Intuit Field Service Management mobile app installed on their smart phone or tablet, the techs keep updated by clicking on “Appointments” and “Waiting for Pickup”.  You can also generate a standard Text Message alert to the mobile device (outside of our app).

Here’s how to do this:

  1. Manager/Dispatcher: login to IFSM via browser. Click on the People tab.
  2. Manager/Dispatcher: Keep the existing email address for each technician, and update the Alternate email address field with the cell phone number, following the carrier-specific formats below.
  3. Manager/Dispatcher: Go to Settings / Work Orders / Alert Settings and choose Plain Text.

Carrier-specific email-to-text-alerts formats (as of May 2012; check with your carrier).  

Update the Alternate email field with the 10-digit number for your technician’s mobile device:

Please contact your cell phone / mobile device carrier directly to confirm the latest email-to-text-alerts formats or if your techs have any issues receiving the alerts.

21 02, 2012

Need directions? It’s in the App.

By | 2017-08-11T16:14:00-07:00 February 21st, 2012|Android, Mobile|0 Comments

It is live on Android today.  This is a simple little add-on for your mobile techs.

When you are looking at a work order, simply click the click the menu and tap Get Route.

Navigate Option on Work Order Details

Get Route Option on Work Order Details

Since maps and navigation are built in on Android phones, it will pop up ask you how you’d like your directions.

How Would You Like Your Directions

How would you like your directions?

Choose one and you are off and running.

We have a little demo up on our Vimeo channel so that you can see what this looks like.

Let us know what you think, we’re interested in your feedback.

26 01, 2012

iPhone: Making Invoicing Easier

By | 2017-08-11T16:14:00-07:00 January 26th, 2012|Android, iPhone, Mobile|0 Comments

This afternoon we released a minor revision to the iOS app for Field Service Management.  You can get the new version by updating your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.  If you are not using the app yet, you can download it for free from the iTunes App Store.

This update has bug several bug fixes, but the important addition is a change that makes adding items to invoices easier.  Now when you search for an item (or item group) the results will contain both the item name and the item description.  This is great for folks who have complicated item names, and for companies bringing on new techs who might not be familiar with your naming conventions yet.  Here is an example:

iPhone item list screen shot

Item Search Results

As you can see, we have left the familiar name content there so that your existing users won’t have to learn anything new. The smaller text is the newly added item description.

We hope this simple change helps save you all a little time out in the field.